
Behind Closed Doors: Redefining the Perception of Mental Health and Illness


During the time of the ancient Greeks and Romans, mental illnesses originated from the gods. Disorders were consequences for certain behaviors, and were carried out by means of "divine punishment or demonic possession." Additionally, there was no clear line that differentiated between physical and mental problems, as treatments and remedies for both types were rather similar. Such treatments were a bit different than today's, as they rarely prescribed medication of any kind. Instead, they relied on observing a patient's behavior, utilizing methods like counseling and restraint, and encouraging magical remedies. Today, there's a negative connotation associated with the word "mental." Often, the word is used to reference an individual or an entity suffering from disorders or illnesses of the mind. People relate it to terms that are also less technical, such as "crazy," "mad," and "lunatic." It's this type of word association that has become commonplace in daily conversation, further cementing the stigma against mental health. However, it's important to remember that "mental" is an adjective that more simply describes something of or related to the mind in general.

For example, the phrases "mental health" and "mental illness" are mistakenly used interchangeably. So what's the difference between the two?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), they are related, but not one in the same. The CDC defines the two as such:

Mental health is "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community."

Mental illness is defined as "collectively all diagnosable mental disorders” or “health conditions that are characterized by alterations in thinking, mood, or behavior (or some combination thereof) associated with distress and/or impaired functioning."

It's time to stop viewing either of the two phrases as synonymous. One's mental health, which can be further affected by mental illness, is valuable. The healthier an individual is, both physically and mentally, the easier it is for he or she to carry out day-to-day duties and activities.

Having a mental illness is never a choice. | Source: BU Today

People who struggle with mental health issues may not always have a mental illness. Instead, there may be a combination of factors that influence one's mental health, including psychological (perception of one's self), past history (family and relatives), current life events (such as relationships or other daily stresses) and biological (this is where illness comes into play). Those living with mental illnesses are not doing so by choice. Having a disorder or condition - be it mental or physical - is never a choice.

It's important that we start to redefine our perception of mental health and mental illness. We can actively do this by educating ourselves and those around us and by being mindful of our choice of words when interacting with others.


This post originally appeared on Mama Tanap, a blog that focuses on personal health and wellness.

Behind Closed Doors: A Hidden Gem on a College Campus - Mental Health

In the Fil-Am community, there is a cultural mistrust against seeking mental health help. Among teens and young adults, who may fear shame from their community and peers for seeking help, this problem is also quite prevalent. Unfortunately, college students are at a high risk of facing high levels of stress and mental health illness. However, students also have the most resources available to them during their undergraduate (and graduate) years. One of these resources, which is considerably underutilized on campuses across the nation, is the school’s counseling center. The stigma that 'seeking help from a counselor means that you’re admitting defeat or weakness' often deters students from seeking help. Students dread being embarrassed and shamed. Some students even fear risking their academic career, and may choose to carry on silently with their struggle. However, choosing to get help and talk to a mental health professional can be a very positive and life-saving experience.

Why are college students depressed?

depressed maleDepression is increasingly more common among college students. For many students who go off to college, it can be an extremely trying transition period. Students have to get accustomed to new surroundings, influences and peers - all without close supervision or parental guidance.

This is a critical time of growth for college students, as they are learning responsibilities that they may not have had experience with before in the past. Students are becoming more independent, having to manage their time, and steering toward their future careers. Often, they don’t know the importance of taking care of their mental health, or don't know the steps to do so in a college setting. It's crucial that college students remember that they are not alone in whatever they are facing.

According to an Associated Press-mtvU poll, about four in ten college students are experiencing depression. Students who need mental health attention should not be afraid to get help. There’s nothing shameful about it, and it doesn’t make that person weak or incapable of dealing with their issues. Rather, making the decision to ask for help shows great strength and self-awareness.

What are the advantages to going to a counseling center during college?

  1. Services are free. While some students do inquire about mental health services at their counseling center, others don’t always know where to get help. Also, beyond college, it becomes more difficult to get help, especially when dealing with mental health coverage and insurance plans. Simply put, it is expensive to receive mental health help after college.
  2. Those who reach out and take advantage of  counseling services experience a considerable decrease in their stress levels and worries.
  3. Students can still turn their life around and steer toward a healthier life, even if they feel like they have done too much damage to their academic (and professional) record and relationships with others. Anything that has fallen by the wayside can still be salvaged and improved.
  4. Students will be able to access more resources, especially if they need more intensive help. This includes getting outside counseling, receiving medical attention, or meeting with other mental health professionals.

What are some signs that someone should seek help?

  • feeling down or hopeless
  • violence and hostility
  • suicidal thoughts
  • self-harming actions
  • changes in eating habits
  • not sleeping enough
  • not attending class
  • not enjoying things that you used to
  • substance abuse 
  • social anxiety
  • academic stress
  • conflict at home

Are there alternatives to the counseling center?

  • Call the national suicide prevention line: 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
  • Talk to someone you trust: parent, family member, teacher, primary care physician, spiritual leader
  • Seek additional support here.
  • Read more information here.
  • If you want to get involved with mental health on your campus or in the community, contact your local Active Minds chapter or NAMI chapter.


Photo credits: The Guardian and and Sujen Man

A Speech on Abortion in the Philippines by Christine Sicwaten

Note from the Editor: Christine Sicwaten is one of UniPro's interns for the summer. At our recent staff meeting, she delivered a speech on the "UniIssue" of Abortion in the Philippines. Read on to see her thoughtful take on the controversial topic. by Christine Sicwaten

Choices.  I don’t know about you but I love having the ability to choose.  From the having the choice of what profession I want to work in to something as simple as wearing what I want to wear.  Choices.

Without choices our freedoms are limited.  Living in the United States gives us liberties that we often take for granted.  Within the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights alone we have the freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly and petition.  Although we live in the 21st century there are still several countries who do not protect even half of the rights that I have previously stated.

For 14 years the Catholic Church has been fighting “The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act” otherwise known as the RH Bill.  The RH Bill requires that not only sex education be taught but that public health workers receive training in family planning and that post abortion medical care is legalized.

Contraception, family planning, and sex education in general are not widely discussed in schools or the public.  In the Philippines it is not as if using contraceptives is banned, it is merely unaffordable to many.  With 30% of the population living below the poverty line and a 100 million people living on 62 cents a day, pesos go to buying the necessities such as food and clothing, not condoms.

The Church has centered this bill around religion when in reality it is about human rights, health and sustainable human development.  The Philippines has one of the fastest growing populations in the world. National statistics state that Philippines is growing at 1.89% and could reach 105 million by 2016. Even without considering the problem of overpopulation the fact that sex education is not available in schools greatly affects the lives of young people.

According to the United Nations Population Fund, 7 out of 10 births in the Philippines are by women of 19 years or younger.   Where were you at 19?  What were you doing? At 19 I was in my sophomore year at Stony.  The only baby I was worried about nurturing was my cultural dance team within PUSO.

Choices are limited for Filipinos because of economic, political and social factors. However, if President Aquino and the Philippine government want to implement changes that can create more opportunities for a healthier and more economical lifestyle then the Church should not stand in its way.  There are a several things that need to change about the Philippines but I believe it all starts with education.  They say that knowledge is power.  The Catholic Church can think negatively and say that handing out free condoms and educating students on sex will lead to more sex and relaxed moral standings.  However, I believe that a more optimistic mindset needs to be implemented.  More individuals need to have faith that young people will make good choices, ones that will lead to a brighter future.  The Philippine government is so why not the rest?

Behind Closed Doors: A Letter to Gabrielle Molina

Gabby Molina committed suicide after being bullied by her classmates. On May 22nd, Gabrielle Molina, a 12-year-old Fil-Am from Queens, NY, took her life. She left behind an apologetic note to her family, which explained that she endured relentless bullying, both at school and on the internet.

Gabby's story is not an anomaly. Across the country, and the globe, bullying has become quite commonplace. According to the National Crime Prevention Council, 43% of all teens in America are victims of bullying. This includes cyberbullying, which is done over the internet and through other digital means.

The accessibility and anonymity associated with the internet allows hurtful messages to be sent and seen instantaneously. Thus, the internet incubates open battlegrounds for bickering, name-calling, and downright nasty arguments. These attacks appear on social media sites, comment sections and forums.  Today, kids and teens have technology at their disposal, and can engage in unethical conduct, often without care or knowledge of the consequences. In the wrong hands, this technology becomes dangerous, and in Gabby's case, deadly.

Though we cannot blame Gabby's peers entirely for her passing, they did trigger her decision. As kids, we're taught the following phrase: "Sticks and stones may break my bones,  but words will never hurt me." But what if this isn't the case? Our words certainly have the ability to inflict greater pain than we intend.

In addition to cyberbullying, we must consider the state of Gabby's mental well-being. Kids and teens, like adults, may be living with a mental illness. Often overlooked or unidentified, these illnesses intensify, especially without attention or proper treatment.

As mental health becomes more visible in today's media, I'd like to send out a plea for help. Earlier this month, President Obama held the National Conference on Mental Health. The conference brought various mental health professionals and advocates together, in hopes of addressing the conversation at a national level. While there has been some criticism of the conference, I have faith that we're headed in the right direction. In addition to the conference, the Obama administration launched, a comprehensive site for those seeking mental health services and resources. Furthermore, there are many other organizations out there that have been supporting and advocating for those living with a mental illness. My hope is that this conversation continues, and is not forgotten by the media. I believe it is up to us to equip ourselves with the right attitude and knowledge in order to truly change our culture's perception of mental health. We have to realize that anyone around us could be suffering in silence. By understanding the stereotypes and stigmas against mental health, we can help our friends, family, and even ourselves, during difficult times.

In the meantime, here's a letter I wrote to Gabby. It's signed "The World." I hope you will all join me in being part of that world.

Dear Gabby,


We’ll never know how much you suffered nor will we know the truth. We’ll never know just how hard you tried to live freely in your youth. We know it must have been hard to fight the demons deep within. We know you couldn’t take the pain, nor the hell you were living in. But there are some things that you should know, even if it may be too late. Please know that we are sorry that you endured such cruelty and hate.


We apologize that we did not filter the toxins from our freedom of speech. The jagged grains tossed from our own hands went beyond our reach. For the poisonous words and bullying crept right into your very heart; You were physically and mentally tortured, your peace was ripped apart. We apologize that we’ve progressed to this: crimes can reach us in our homes. Perhaps unwelcomed claims and criticisms are worse than sticks and stones.


We apologize that our society has taught us how to turn a blind eye, For media and pop culture tells us to keep quiet when all else goes awry. We know cultural expectations left you amongst many doubts and fears, And that you were afraid ask for our help, lest a soul witness your tears. We are aware that we did not help you, we may have ignored the signs. We are sorry we did not think to look beyond the curtains nor the blinds.


We hope one day you’ll forgive us, and that you do not blame yourself. Because we’re all responsible for each other’s happiness and health. For now is the time to be courageous for those who have only an ounce of hope. It is us who must speak out, and broaden our conversation and our scope. We should help others out of the darkness, the shadows and the grief. We will stand up for all, friend or foe, who cannot find their own relief.


For each of us have been touched by mental pain, illness, or misdirection. So we have the responsibility to elevate and change our perception. We must encourage those around us to find the solace that they seek. We must be a beacon for those who’ve fought until their body’s left them weak. It is our hearts you have touched, though it’s been a tearful goodbye. We know we might not erase the stigma, but hey, it’s worth a try.


With Love, The World

Photo credit: Classic Soul Radio

The Horrors of Sex Trafficking

by Nikki Nalundasan, UniPro Community Building Intern As members of the Filipino American community, it is our job to be knowledgeable of what is going on in our mother country and to make sure awareness is brought to all disturbing issues.  One of these issues is sex trafficking, which is “the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act.”  The Philippines is a popular destination and transit country for men, women, and children who are exposed to sex trafficking and forced labor.  It is also a major exporter for these “workers,” while other countries especially the US are major importers. Being in these different countries, these Filipino women live a life in domestic servitude and often face rape and violent physical and sexual abuse.  In addition, they are often subject to threats, inhumane living conditions, and withholding of travel and identity documents.

Not only do sex traffickers from the Philippines export these women to different countries, but they also conduct internal trafficking.  In the Philippines, people are trafficked from rural areas to urban centers including Manila, Cebu, the city of Angeles and other urban areas.  Thousands of victims experience forced prostitution every day in well-known and highly visible business establishments.  Child sex tourism continues to be a serious problem in the Philippines with sex tourists coming from all over the world, including the US, to engage in the commercial sexual exploitation of children.  In addition to having an established organized crime network, the main causes of sex trafficking are poverty, population growth, and high unemployment rates that lead some parents to see child “labor” as a way to cope with their unfortunate financial situations.  Some women who are in similar situations also see prostitution as the only way to make ends meet.

For example, there was a story on ABC news back in February about Arthur Benjamin, a 49-year old man from Texas who owns the Crow Bar near the coastline of Subic Bay in western Philippines.  Caught by hidden cameras, Benjamin admitted that he has had sex with underage girls and partakes in their sexual exploitation with foreign older men.  His girlfriend was only 16-years old and he said, “She needed a place to stay, I needed a place to do her. I bought a bar for her.”  Fortunately, this man has been arrested and his establishment is shut down.  However, this is one of the many bars in the Philippines that participate in sex trafficking. It’s really sad that young women like this are forced to become prostitutes just to get by.

Grace Grande, known as a modern-day concubine, is currently dealing with three different legal issues after leaving her abuser, Patricio Antonio, a very well connected and wealthy politician. She decided to be Antonio’s mistress due to her economic burdens and therefore had no choice but to agree to the relationship. Within those few years, Grace faced emotional, physical and sexual abuse. In 2007, she decided to leave him and start a new life with her two sons in Los Angeles, California.  However, leaving wasn’t that easy for Grace and now faces issues of extradition (which is the where one country transfers a suspected or convicted criminal to another country), asylum (the ability to stay in the U.S.), and risks losing custody of her two sons. Grace and her two sons have been harassed ever since she has been in the U.S. Antonio is basically doing everything he can under his political power to make her come back to the Philippines where he can abuse her even more.

It’s situations like the Grace Grande case and the acts of Arthur Benjamin that make us, as Filipino Americans, realize that sex trafficking should be put to a stop. Considering all the political corruption and poverty occurring in the Philippines, it may seem impossible to eliminate sex trafficking. However, it is our responsibility to create awareness within our society in order to stop this ongoing problem.  These are young women and children who have to sell their bodies just so that they can support their families financially. There are parents out there who literally sell their children to these sex traffickers because they need money. Women shouldn’t have prostitution be their last resort when they are facing financial problems. We should make efforts to improve collaboration between victim service organizations and law enforcement authorities to stop sex trafficking. Being in the FilAm community, we need to recognize the importance of this issue and do something about it. This problem is happening back in our country and our home. Just because these women are thousands of miles away doesn’t mean that their problem isn’t our problem too.  As a true Filipino American community, we should be able to support them and help them escape from this disgusting situation.