
Life Lessons from a Substitute



It was my first day on the job. At the sound of that signal a stream of rowdy sixth grade boys stomped into the Spanish classroom shouting, cheekily pushing each other around, and repeatedly slamming their binders on their desks. They could tell I was fresh meat; I looked young, obviously had little teaching experience, and barely knew anything at all about the school or its students. No, being a substitute teacher isn’t easy.

I started substitute teaching last September because I wanted to gain more experience in the classroom and sample different subjects, grades, and education styles before going to graduate school for a Masters in Teaching. I did not know what I was in for. Challenging though it may be, throughout this school year I’ve learned many lessons from my subbing misadventures that I think are applicable to all sorts of general life situations.

Lesson #1: Fake it ‘til you make it

Walking into a new classroom as a substitute is like walking into the unknown. You don’t know any of the students’ names, what they’re learning, their rules and routines, or whether they’re going to be trustworthy or mutinous. But it’s your job to take charge of the class and make everything run smoothly just as if it were any other day.

When I substitute I need to take full control and act like whatever classroom I’m spending the day in has been mine all year. Whenever you’re trying something new, a bold face and straight spine goes a long way in boosting confidence and presence, and assures those around you while you figure things out along the way. Of course, don’t let your act get in the way of asking questions; being a newbie is still better than screwing everything up.

Lesson #2: Hold your ground

There’s always at least one student who will try to test their limits with a substitute, whether it’s conveniently forgetting normal classroom rules or dramatic displays of outright defiance (I once had a student who refused to stop shouting ‘Yo mama’ jokes in the middle of art class). To do my job correctly and prevent anarchic uprisings I have to be an unwavering rock, laying down the law so that everybody can successfully learn in a respectful and safe environment.

People are always going to challenge you whether it’s at your job, in your relationships, or randomly on the street. Stick to what you believe is right to do what you need to do.

Lesson #3: The power of positive framing

When I first started, my instinct to deal with misbehaving students was to chastise them and warn them with a punishment. I soon realized that by emphasizing their misbehaviors, my words made the students feel threatened and distrusted, causing them to act out even further. Once I started framing my words positively, I immediately saw a change in students’ reactions. Instead of, “Stop shouting or else your free time is over,” I would phrase my directions more like, “Remember, we use quiet voices in the classroom so that everybody can concentrate.”

Using positive framing when trying to motivate people is more effective because it optimistically envisions what one can work towards rather than against. People will feel more encouraged by kind words that respect their free agency and it will be easier to build more trusting relationships.

Lesson #4: Laugh it off and let it go

I have questioned my likableness and abilities as an educator, especially after having so many students challenge my authority in mischievous ways. Then I remember that these students aren’t acting up because they have a personal vendetta, but because historically, students have been messing around with substitutes since the dawn of time. While at times I can get frustrated with the students and with myself, I don’t take any of it personally. At the very least I always walk away with a hilarious story.

It’s not you, it’s them. Sometimes people just react to you negatively because of your position, their mood, or an infinite amount of other reasons. It’s not a reflection of you as a person so just laugh it off and let it go.

Photo credits: Hi Miss Gray

No More Apples, Just Respect


My boyfriend is one of the lucky ones. His life passions just so happen to align with one of the most venerated professions you could ever have: being a doctor. His parents beam at his accomplishment of getting into one of the top medical schools in the country and becoming the first doctor in their family. Genuinely fascinated by his chosen path, everyone he speaks with barrages him with questions about what he’s currently studying and wants to specialize in, to which he replies with beguiling stories about gut-wrenching surgeries and his exploits with cadavers.

I, however, am not as lucky in this respect. What I want to be is a teacher and the general reaction to my career choice is usually quite the opposite. Here’s how the scene goes:

Stranger at party: “Are you also going to medical school?” Me: “Oh, no. I’m planning to start grad school next year." Stranger: “What do you want to go to grad school for?” Me: “Education. I want to teach.” Stranger: (utterly unimpressed) “Oh…”

[End of small talk]

We’ve all heard the saying “Those who can’t do, teach.”  In the United States teaching is grossly undervalued as a second-rate career, as many people liken teachers to over glorified babysitters that get summer vacations off. What many people don’t realize that this conception has a profound effect on America that becomes fairly obvious if you think about it -- devaluing teachers means you are devaluing education itself.

Doesn’t that sound absurd? In a country that is obsessed with standardized tests and Ivy League universities, and where some parents pay $20,000 tuitions for fiercely competitive preschools, Americans know that an excellent education is as vital as food and water in order to become successful. One would think that more respect would be paid to the people who were actually facilitating said education.

Because of its current mediocre status, the majority of talented college graduates pass up teaching for more socially gratifying careers in medicine, law or business, all of which bring potentially lofty paychecks -- along with the prestige and esteem they represent. Teacher and author Ilana Garon reports that only 23% of teachers in the United States come from the top third tier of their graduating classes. In contrast:

“... the world's top-performing education systems – South Korea, Finland, Singapore – have this in common: 100% of teachers come from the top third of the college graduates, which (along with good working conditions, ample training and professional development, and higher salaries) promotes a culture wherein the teaching profession is viewed as selective and prestigious.”

America’s international rankings in education are severely lagging behind these teacher-driven countries, coming in 30th in math, 23rd in science, and 20th in reading out of 65 of the world’s most developed countries.

Even though multitudes of factors (such as funding and policy) are involved in running an effective education system, researchers are finding that nothing tops the impact of an excellent teacher in terms of student achievement. While investigating studies on teacher effects, Malcolm Gladwell discovers that students are “better off in a ‘bad’ school with an excellent teacher than an excellent school with a bad teacher.” The bottom line is, if the United States wants to maintain its position as a globally competitive power, then the societal attitude towards teachers needs to change.

Things are slowly moving in the right direction, however, as education reformers are making grander efforts to find individuals who have the potential to be great teachers, and alter the public perception of the profession. It’s now trendy for graduates (such as myself) to go into teaching fellowships straight out of college. Teach for America’s skyrocketing popularity has made its application process even more competitive than law school. Following up their award-winning documentary, the makers of “Waiting for Superman” recently released a new film entitled “Teach,” which showcases the stories of dedicated teachers on a mission to make a difference.

As a Fil-Am, I haven’t heard much enthusiasm from family members about my interest in education. Instead, they also prefer talking about my boyfriend’s glamorous medical career and insist that I “Lock that up!” Of course, I can understand how for many Pilipino immigrants who uprooted their lives seeking greater opportunity for their children, pursuing anything less than a doctor or equivalently-esteemed career might seem like squandering the American dream.

The true American dream, however, is about equality. So is education. My mission as a teacher is to ensure that every child, no matter their background, has the skills and confidence to uplift themselves out of whatever might plague them (whether its poverty, ignorance, or boredom) and fulfill their potential. Just like any doctor, we teachers hope to change lives. Can’t we just get a little bit more respect?

Photo Credit: www.sodahead.com